Thursday, May 24, 2007

Learn 2.0, Week 4

Web 2.0 was really something. Navigating through various web sites like Youtube, MySpace and Google to get the information I needed. Reading about those two guys who created Youtube and selling it to Google for a cool 1.65 billion dollars, they are on easy street. Finding OCLS on MySpace (teen programs at Teen Central) and Youtube (Take Know for an Answer campaign) was inventive and highly informative. What do you guys think? Let me know.

1 comment:

screamingamanda said...

I think using myspace is a good way to get kids involved in the system because they are a computer generation. Anything that gets them to read is a good thing. There are always a good amount of teenagers on the computers in teen central. The internet is a good way to try to pull them into the library.